Dr Margaret Lambert offers psychological services and coaching, enabling you to move beyond the trouble spots in your life and to achieve your goals. In addition to the use of client-centred counselling methods, clients are assisted by the use of advanced techniques in EFT, administered by a registered psychologist.
Dr Marg is a registered Psychologist and Advanced Practitioner of EFT. Marg is also a Registered Supervisor for Professional Counsellors, a qualified educator and experienced workshop developer and presenter. Connect Counseling Services is located in Darwin in a relaxed and private setting, removed from shopping and business districts, with priority given to client privacy.
Services are offered in the areas of:
- Counselling
- Coaching
- Debriefing
- Supervision
- Training and Workshops
Taking care of yourself is more than simply attending to your physical needs. Wellbeing is dependent on all aspects of our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and experiences that are carried within us affect us just as much as our muscles, tendons, blood, nerves and other body parts. Physical and emotional health are intertwined: when one is affected, so is the other, and in the same vein, when one improves, so does the other.
Psychological and counselling treatments empower individuals by developing their capacity to resolve emotional, personal and relationship issues. Through these processes, greater self awareness and positive changes are achieved.